Our Partners
Our Partners
We work with organisations around Aotearoa to make it happen.
Mana Whenua
In Te Whanganui-a-Tara, we work in partnership with Mana Whenua, including:
- Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika (Taranaki Whānui)
- Ngāti Toa Rangatira
We operate in several areas outside Wellington, including Whanganui, Wairarapa and Marlborough, and we’ll be working to build our relationships with mana whenua in these areas in future.
I herea retoria te wapu: Te honohono hoki o Te Whanganui a Tara nei ki ngā iwi noho, ki Te Atiawa, Taranaki Whānui. E mau whakapūmau ana te tāone nui o Pōneke me ngā wāhi e karapoti ai I te hītori me te kaitiakitanga ake tonu atu.
Te Port is deeply connected: Wellington's natural harbour has always been deeply connected to its people. Māori communities - Te Atiawa, Taranaki Iwi, Ngati Tama and Ngati Ruahui - our city, and surrounding regions all share its rich history and ongoing guardianship.

We share strong values with Downer in terms of the safety of our people and making it happen. After the 2016 earthquake, Downer was there to help us with our regeneration and container berth reinstatement. Downer support us with day to day operations, repairs and long term projects.

We have a long-standing relationship with Holmes who supported part of our emergency response to the 2016 earthquake, including support for our insurance claims. Today, Holmes provide expert engineering advice and we work collaboratively together on day-to-day issues that emerge at the port.

We partner with StraitNZ Bluebridge who operate the MV Connemara and the MV Strait Feronia, providing passenger and freight transport across Cook Strait for New Zealand. We provide the wharves, linkspans and marshalling areas for StraitNZ operations.

We work together with Maritime NZ to ensure the safety of vessels and crews calling into CentrePort.
Maritime NZ regulate the Health and Safety at Work Act on board ships, the Maritime Transport Act and enforce maritime rules. We assist Maritime NZ with any investigations they need to carry out on Port.

Interislander (run by KiwiRail) has been connecting Aotearoa New Zealand and New Zealanders across Cook Strait for over 60 years.

C3 Limited is a leading provider of end-to-end solutions for product handling on the wharf and beyond.
They work with exporters, importers, and shipping lines across New Zealand and Australia to help clients get their products where they need to go.